- How To Shine Your Refrigerator.
Use Bicarbonate of Soda on a damp sponge.
- How To Remove A Hot Cake Pan.
Use clothes pins (pegs).
- Keep Windshields Frost Free!
Apply solution of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water over windshield.
- Make Dry Cell Batteries Last Longer.
Seal in plastic bags, wrap in aluminum foil, keep in refrigerator.
- Remove Wax From Candleholders.
Freeze holders in refrigerator and it will just peel off.
- Prevent Kitchen Stools From Slipping.
Put rubber tips from crutches on bottom of legs.
- Rid Scratches From Plastic Watches.
Use Q-tip dipped in nail polish remover, rub over face, scratch disappears.
- Excellent Lubricant For Appliances.
Put a drop of glycerin in gears, makes an excellent lubricant.
- Keep Garbage Bags From Slipping.
Use 3 or 4 clothes pins, keeps them from slipping.
- How To Clean Glassware.
Clean with stale tea. If they spot, soak in buttermilk, let dry, wipe off.
- How To Clean Carved Furniture.
Use an old toothbrush to clean then use furniture polish on brush.
- Remove Ink From Varnished Furniture.
Rub with soft cloth filled with equal parts vinegar and linseed oil.
- Remove Mildew From Luggage.
Put bar of soap in luggage before storing.
- Remove Smoke, Grease From Woodwork.
Paint wood with solution of starch and water, when dry rub off.
- Really Shine Your Kitchen Floor.
Add some sour milk to your rinse water, it will shine!
- How To Clean Rust From Chrome.
Rub it with aluminum foil.
- How To Really Clean Enamel.
Use a paste of salt and vinegar then wipe off.
- Remove Shoe Polish From Clothing.
Use carbon tetrachloride or rubbing alcohol.
- Remove Cigarette Stains From China.
Rub it with a cork that has been dipped in salt.
- Make Your Own Ink Eradicator.
Mix one part liquid bleach to ten parts water. Works great.
- Make Your Appliances Really Shine.
Rub them over with rubbing alcohol, they will stay shining.
- Remove Stains From Coffee Cups.
Rub with salt and vinegar.
- Make Your Own Furniture Polish.
Use 2 parts olive oil to 1 part vinegar. Have it warm while using.
- Make Your Own Silver Polish.
Tooth paste or baking soda makes an excellent silver polish.
- A Really Good Copper Cleaner.
Use a paste of salt and vinegar.
- To Clean Your Diamond Rings.
Use tooth paste with an old tooth brush, rub and rinse and let dry.
- Clean Tarnished Gold & Silver.
Rub with a paste of water and baking soda, rinse and let dry.
- How To Make Good Jewelry Cleaner.
Clean with a solution of 1 tsp. ammonia and 1 cup of water.
- Reset Stone In Your Jewelry.
Put clear nail polish in the base, set the stone in and let dry.
- Prevent Costume Jewelry From Tarnish.
Put a thin coat of transparent nail polish over it.
- Good Cleaning Aid For Dishwashers.
Add some vinegar to dishwasher.
- Cure Scratches From Furniture.
Use machine oil or same color shoe polish.
- Make A Good Fingernail Brush.
Cut down the bristles on an old tooth brush.
- Food For The Whole Litter (HOW).
Use a muffin pan so the runts can have some.
- Lengthen Life Of Wooden Clothespins.
Boil them in a salt solution.
- Make A Neat String Dispenser.
Nail a funnel to wall and pull string out of bottom of funnel.
- Tip On Storing Plastic Curtains.
Sprinkle talcum powder between the layers as you go.
- Basting Made Real EASY.
Just tape and sew around the pieces of tape.
- How To Revive Old Clothing.
Shave those little fluffs off with a safety razor.
- Make An Emergency Clothes Brush.
Wrap a piece of tape around the hand, sticky side out.
- Stop Clothes Catching On Hangers.
Put a coat of clear nail polish over splinters and rough edges.
- A Needle-Sharpening Pincushion.
Use steel wool to fill your cushion, keeps needles sharp.
- Make A Good Yarn Preserver.
Wrap yarn around a moth ball for storage.
- Handy Tips On Cutting Fur.
Use a razor blade on back of fur when cutting, you won’t cut any hair.
- Tips On Sewing Slippery Material.
Stick a piece of waxed paper in seam, pull away when finished.
- Easy Pick Up Of Needle Spills.
Use a small magnet to pick up any needle spills.
- Excellent Knitting Tip.
Keep ball of yarn in nylon stocking, will flow out free of tangles.
- How To Get Rid Of Shiny Pants.
Make a solution of 1 part vinegar to 4 parts water, soak a cloth in it, wring out, put over the pants and press lightly.
- When You Need Heavy Duty Thread.
Use dental floss.
- Make A Handy Tape Measure.
Just put tape around an old tape spool.
- Prevent Nylon From Yellowing.
Add some baking soda to wash and rinse with water.
- Make A Perfect Sock Darner.
Pull socks over light bulb, makes it easy.
- How To Restore Velvet Like New.
Brush good, then hang in steamy bathroom.
- Get Rid Of Knots On Sweaters.
Just rub a piece of sandpaper over sweater.
- How To Remove Lint From Wool.
Use a damp sponge and touch lightly.
- Caring For Leather Upholstery.
Brush with skim milk every 3 months.
- Repair Scuffed Patent Leather.
Cover with same color polish, let dry, then cover with clear nail polish.
- Prevent Patent Leather Cracking.
Before each wearing, rub briskly with your hand, then a soft cloth.
- Repair Scuffed Baby Shoes.
Rub shoe with white of an egg.
- Tip On Buying Shoes.
Buy shoes in afternoon, feet tend to swell in the morning.
- What To Do When Shoes Get Stiff.
Cut a raw potato and rub all over. They will come back to life.
- Black Suede Shoes Last Longer.
Wash with warm water, then rub castor oil into leather.
- How To Soften Leather Shoes.
Sponge with black coffee.
- Remove Salt Rings From Shoes.
Brush with a solution of vinegar and water.
- Keep Vegetables Green While Cooking.
Lift the lid of the cooking vessel from time to time while cooking.
- Get Juice From Dried Up Lemon.
Boil it for a few minutes.
- Quick Onion Rings.
Onions slice more easily if you leave skins on while slicing.
- How To Kill Taste Of Olive Oil.
Add a touch of salt.
- Good Bread Crumbs Substitute.
Potato chips, corn chips or pretzels.
- How To Keep Your Berries Fresh.
Don’t wash until ready to use and keep in refrigerator until ready to use.
- How To Cut A Soft Pie.
Use a buttered knife to cut through a soft pie.
- How To Cut A Frosted Cake.
Rinse a knife in hot water first, each time you cut a slice.
- How To Make A Fluffy Egg Omelet.
Add a teaspoon of corn starch when mixing eggs.
- Keep Dressing From Going Rancid.
Put a spoon of sugar in it.
- How To Stop Cabbage Odors.
Throw a couple of walnut kernels in pot while cooking.
- How To Soften Butter Quick.
If your butter is frozen, grate it, it’s same as soft butter.
- How To Keep Cauliflower White.
Pour a little milk in the water when boiling cauliflower.
- When Is The Omelet Done.
When you press it lightly and it springs back.
- Keep Milk From Scorching.
Add a pinch of sugar while cooking and do not stir.
- Cheese Cutting Tip.
A dull knife is more successful than a sharp one.
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